
This disclaimer outlines the terms of use for our platform and ensures transparency regarding product information, availability and limitations of our services.

Product Information and Availability:

We strive to provide accurate and up to date information on product listings from our partnered sellers. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of all product details, descriptions or pricing.

Product availability can change rapidly, and information may not reflect real-time stock levels. We rely on sellers to maintain accurate listings.

We recommend contacting sellers directly for any clarifications or confirmations about specific products before making a purchase.

Delivery Services:

QCommerce offers fast and convenient delivery services, but delivery times may vary depending on your location, the chosen seller, and the product itself.

While we strive for prompt delivery as advertised, unexpected delays can occur due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.

User Responsibilities:

It's important for users to review product descriptions, specifications, and delivery information carefully before placing an order.

QCommerce acts as a platform connecting buyers and sellers. We are not responsible for the quality, safety, or performance of any products offered by our sellers.

Users are responsible for conducting their own research and due diligence before making purchasing decisions.

Website Usage and Limitations:

QCommerce is intended for legitimate shopping purposes only. Any misuse or violation of our terms of service may result in account suspension or termination.

We strive to provide a user friendly platform, but we are not liable for any technical difficulties or downtime that may occur.

External Links:

QCommerce may contain links to external websites of sellers or other third parties. We are not responsible for the content or practices of these external sites.

Changes to Disclaimer:

We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer page at any time. We encourage you to revisit this page periodically to stay informed of any updates.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at admin@qcommerce.com.ng

By using QCommerce.com.ng, you agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer.
